PoliScio Leadership
John A. Jenkins
Journalist and entrepreneur. Founder of PoliScio Analytics and founder & CEO of Law Street Media (acquired by Fastcase). President & Publisher of CQ Press (led acquisition by Sage). Sage Publishing global executive committee. BNA (now Bloomberg) board of directors and mgmt committee. Created First Street social network platform (acquired by Leadership). NYT Magazine award-winning writer. Author of NYT Editor’s Choice “The Partisan” (Public Affairs) and other books. Creator/chair of The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence. Numerous other board affiliations, including Board of Visitors, University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism.

Randy E. Miller
Attorney and entrepreneur. Founder of PoliScio Analytics and Founder and President of World Bureau, a developer of online information products (acquired by CQ Press). Hogan Lovells lawyer and partner 18 years, representing clients on U.S. and international regulatory matters. Founded firm’s office in Brussels. Head of International Group. White House trade lawyer. Senior Legal Adviser to US Mission to WTO in Geneva. Senator Bob Dole policy director. Consultant to numerous legal publishers building online data products using government information. Adjunct professor, Georgetown University. Graduate of Yale University and Georgetown Law School.