Investigative Reporters and Editors Partnership with PoliScio Analytics Will Give Journalists Worldwide Access to FOIAengine


WASHINGTON, April 23, 2024. PoliScio Analytics today announced that its flagship product, FOIAengine, will be available for research by IRE’s professional members on a worldwide basis.

IRE distributed an announcement to its thousands of global members describing the arrangement. Please click here to see the announcement. Please click here to sign up if you are an IRE professional member.

Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting.

PoliScio Analytics is a Washington-based company specializing in data-driven U.S. political and governmental research. Last year the company launched FOIAengine, a competitive-intelligence tool that tracks U.S. government Freedom of Information requests in as close to real-time as their availability allows.

For more information about FOIAengine and PoliScio, click here.

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